Writing A Killer About Us Page
December 16, 2015

Writing A Killer About Us Page

Studies show that they are one of the most frequented pages on any website.

We just wrapped up a project writing copy for a client’s “About Us” page. It was a fun project, but even for an experienced copywriter they can be tricky to write. It’s always a bit of a balancing act between trying to sell yourself, without turning people off. This frustrates a lot of people, and usually leads to extreme levels of procrastination and a sub­-standard final product. However, the importance of your “About Us” page cannot be overlooked. Studies show that they are one of the most frequented pages on any website. They let your clients know w​ho you are ​and ​how you can help them.​ So, leaving a good first impression is crucial.

Given their elusive nature, we will attempt to de­mystify them in this week’s blog. We’ll leave you with some important things to consider when writing and preparing content for your business’s “About Us” page.

Start by focusing on your customer

Avoid jumping right into the sales pitch about why your company is so great and focus on your customer. What are ​their​ challenges? How does your company attempt to alleviate them? Lead with how you are making your clients lives better or easier. The reality is you are ​still​ selling yourself, but you’re making it about them, which is much easier to relate to.

Tell your story authentically

People often get swept away using frilly language trying to sound professional and be seen as an authority. However, people will find you and your brand much easier to relate to if you write conversationally. Write how you would talk. Well, perhaps slightly more polished, but you get the idea! Authenticity is likeable, relatable and helps build trust.

Use facts

Using facts about your company goes a long way to build credibility. Include; things you have accomplished, awards you have won, sales figures, happy customers, etc. The reality is that anyone can get a great copywriter to make their company sound amazing, but facts speak for themselves.

Include different types of media

Anything too text-heavy is a turn off. You’ll quickly lose people’s interest. But using photos and video brings things to life. If you’re telling a story of how your business has evolved, why not include pictures from over the years? Or better yet, use video to tell your story. Video is far more engaging than text and photos. Not to mention that you can reuse it multiple times over multiple different mediums to get your message across.

Include contact information and social handles

Not everyone will venture to your “Contact Us” page. So think of your “About Us” page as another opportunity to foster conversions. Conversions could be anything; signing up for your newsletter or blog, buying a product/service or contacting you for more information. Regardless of the conversion you are looking for, the key is to make it easy for people. Include your contact information, links to your social media accounts and any other call to actions you feel are appropriate.

We hope you found the blog helpful and it gave you some inspiration for writing your “About Us” page. As always, if you prefer to step out and leave it to the experts, contact us and we’d be happy to help!

Stephanie Miles
Director of Digital Marketing