We wrapped up another fantastic logo project this past week at Iconica. Bash Event Studio contacted us to help complete their logo. The folks at Bash were eager to get a design on to the awning of their new space and wanted to really love it before committing.
The final logo design on a white background.
They were drawn to clean geometric designs and had a good idea of the direction they wanted to go in but it needed some exploration and polishing. The final Bash logo is abstract but looks a little bit like an event table or an opening box.
The branding guide for Bash Event Studio’s logo.
After testing an endless array of gold tones, we chose the simplest of colour palettes: black and white with the addition of gold foil for special pieces. Univers Thin Ultra Condensed was the perfect typeface to compliment the thin lines in the design. We’re so pleased with how the project turned out and can’t wait to work on the next pieces.
Thanks very much Bash Event Studio!