Did you know that listings that include video get 403% more inquiries than those without?
We always recommend video as a part of any digital marketing or content strategy. This is not just because we love making them, which we clearly do! It’s because the results speak for themselves. Video sells homes, plain and simple. Did you know that listings that include video get 403% more inquiries than those without? Or that videos are 53 times more likely to show up in search results? You might not know the specifics, but most people will agree that video can be pretty powerful.
Our most discerning and savvy REALTORS® have become aware of this and are using it to their advantage, including property tours as a regular part of their listing strategies.
However, the innovators and early adopters are kicking it up a notch and using creative real estate videos to set themselves apart from the pack. To help you be successful this fall, we decided to dedicate this week’s blog to some out of the box video ideas that will help you to promote and grow your presence.
Customize your branding, script, etc. Get in front of the camera yourself or go for something that is even more out of the box. We love working with agents to come up with unique concepts that will make their video and themselves memorable. Creative videos like this can even go viral!
Create a video for your website and social media that shows potential clients who you are and what makes you unique. Did you know there is one REALTOR® for every 245 Canadians over the age of 19. Use video as a warm introduction to who you are, your approach and what makes you uniquely qualified to help them. Show them your authentic self, because that is what sells and makes connections!
Establish yourself as an authority. Create a series of videos providing insider info on various neighborhoods you work with. Get in front of the camera and demonstrate that you’re a knowledgeable professional with a keen insight into what makes each neighborhood special and attractive to homebuyers.
Be the authority! Create quarterly videos that educate your clients and prospects on where the real estate market is going. If you have a sharp pulse on market trends use video to present this info to people in an easy to understand way. Video is the best way to truly connect with people and impart your message.
Make your client the expert! This is the next step in the evolution beyond establishing yourself as an authority. When you are truly focussed on educating your clients and making them the experts that’s when your business will transcend. Use video to share your unique perspective and wisdom on making informed real estate decisions. This will truly empower your clients and they will love you for it!
References: http://www.torontorealtyblog. com/archives/11025