How to Choose the Right Drone Company
January 7, 2016

How to Choose the Right Drone Company

You may have noticed drones appearing quite a bit in the news lately. There has been a lot of scares, including crashes, near misses with airplanes and people trying to use drones as weapons. However, despite the frenzy in the press, when drones are used in a careful and practical way, they can be an incredible resource for businesses of all shapes and sizes.
Here are some of the arenas aerial is being used to support and promote businesses:

  • Real Estate
  • Pre-construction and Building
  • Surveying Land (farming, infrastructure, etc.)
  • Resorts
  • Corporate Videos
  • Special Events

The use of drones is already heavily regulated by Transport Canada and there are very strict guidelines in place for any person or company using drones for commercial purposes. In addition to meeting these guidelines, it’s important to make sure that any company you use for drone photography and videos have trained pilots, are fully insured and only fly under safe conditions.

Despite the already tight regulations, there is buzz in the news that the Transport Canada rules may change again and become even more stringent. The City of Toronto is also looking into it’s own set of drone regulations that could make it even more difficult to fly in and around the GTA. In the US, drones have already been banned in all US national parks.
So, if drone photography or video has piqued your interest and you’re looking to use it in future marketing efforts, now is the time to to take advantage.  When choosing a company to work with, ask them which drone they use, are they insured and also ask to see examples of their work. Having a top notch pilot who can capture amazing aerial shots is crucial. But even more important is what they can actually do with that footage. If you want to use dramatic aerial shots to capture people’s attention… make sure the company is skilled with their storytelling (editing) so that your video will be captivating, entertaining and most importantly build confidence in your brand.

Stay tuned for our huge one week only promotion we’re about to launch. Follow us on Facebook & Twitter for all the details.

J.P. Miles, Director of Photography and Video